Our current VIP member are working on a hybrid program of both Kettlebell and Body weight training for superior strength. Last week we focussed on why kettlebell training yields ultimate strength and conditioning, and this week, I want to address 3 basic body weight drills that will not only make you incredibly strong as is, […]
Push Ups, Renegade Rows, and Regressions of Both Lifts
If you are on the VIP coaching program for this month, you may be away that our Day 1 routine is a big upper body day. We have a ton of pushing and pulling drills between our push ups and renegade rows, and today, I wanted to talk about a few regressions for those […]
“But Don’t I Have to Lift Weights to Get Strong?”- Guest Post by Ryan Williams, PCC Instructor at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh
“I’ve been asked this question dozens of times after suggesting to people that all they really need to be strong and fit is their own body and a little guidance. Yes, you can get very strong by lifting heavy things, be they barbells, dumb bells, kettlebells or rocks, but you don’t have to lift any […]